Jeff reminds his readers that God is the God of soaring heavenly constellations but also of inner human contemplations. Our wisest recourse in the face of evil is simply to let God be God.
Book Reviews
The sovereignty of God is perhaps the most hated doctrine in all of the Bible. Sinners, by nature, do not like to relinquish control. Yet, it’s the study of God that reveals the weakness of man and the absolute sovereignty of God over all things. Not only is this a worthy study, it’s a necessary study if a person is seeking to know the God revealed to us in the pages of Scripture. Jeffrey Johnson does a great job of unpacking the complexities of this doctrine with precision and clarity without minimizing the truths of this grand subject that stands at the center of the Bible.
Get ready to be refreshed and encouraged by, “The Sovereignty of God.” Jeff handles the doctrine thoroughly, answering the difficult questions, yet with a conversational clarity for a wonderful impact on my own soul. He washes you with wave after wave after wave of the Word of God, leaving you with the “comfort of the scriptures.” You should read this thrilling testimony of the greatness of God. Read it with your children. Read it with your brethren in your church.
Where is God in the midst of the darkest days of human existence? Jeff Johnson weaves together a gripping narrative that intertwines the trial-filled journeys of Joseph, Job, Hannah, and other biblical figures with the voyage of a World War II staff sergeant—as they consider the role of the divine when earthly sorrows abound. Jeff reminds his readers that God is the God of soaring heavenly constellations but also of inner human contemplations, and our wisest recourse in the face of evil is simply to let God be God.
This small book effectively answers some very big questions about how we are to understand and apply what Scripture says about God’s sovereignty. Johnson’s writing is very clear and includes many helpful examples. Everything he says is extensively supported by God’s Word.
Jeff Johnson’s book helps us see God’s sovereignty in clear and practical ways while pointing out that God, in His perfections, transcends our best efforts to describe Him. This book brings us to understand what it means when we say that God is sovereign. Then, it goes further. It shows us the sovereignty of our God as it really is—a source of our enduring wonder and admiration. What an ‘Only One' is our King! We are grateful to know Him a little better through this book.
Jeffrey D. Johnson is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church and President of Grace Bible Theological Seminary in Conway, Arkansas, where he resides with his wife, Letha, and their four children. He is the author of several books, including The Church, He Died for Me, The Kingdom of God, The Absurdity of Unbelief, and The Pursuit of Glory. Check out his other books here.
“Those who understand God’s sovereignty have joy even in the midst of suffering, a joy reflected on their very faces, for they see that their suffering is not without purpose.”
R. C. Sproul