Recommended reading on the topic of The Sovereignty of God.

The Sovereignty of God

Where is God in the midst of the darkest days of human existence? Jeff Johnson weaves together a gripping narrative that intertwines the trial-filled journeys of Joseph, Job, Hannah, and other biblical figures with the voyage of a World War II staff sergeant—as they consider the role of the divine when earthly sorrows abound. Jeff reminds his readers that God is the God of soaring heavenly constellations but also of inner human contemplations, and our wisest recourse in the face of evil is simply to let God be God.

Absolute Predestination

Absolute Predestination remains a helpful explanation of the Reformed doctrine of election and reprobation. This book is not milk for babes; it is meat for grown men and women. But it is good meat; nutritious, wholesome, spiritual food for the soul. After reading it, you will see the clear teachings of Scripture on election and reprobation.

Spurgeon's Calvinism

Spurgeon’s Calvinism is the Prince of Preachers describing, defending, and applying the doctrines of grace. According to C. H. Spurgeon, “Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else.” And in this volume, Spurgeon precisely and convincingly articulates each of the five points of Calvinism. 

Calvin on Sovereignty, Providence, and Predestination

The doctrine of God has subordinate truths that are easily appreciated by all God’s people and other truths that seem to graduate you into the higher echelons of God’s self-disclosure and its attendant spiritual benefits. God’s sovereignty is in the latter category, and John Calvin, the Swiss Reformer, did a lot to help the church appreciate this truth from Scripture. Joel Beeke does a great service by helping us to understand some of Calvin’s teachings on God’s sovereignty, especially in providence and in predestination. Trust me, this little book is worth every moment you will spend reading it!